Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Project

Hello Class!

After looking over the various technologies that we have learned about in this class, I decided that making a Prezi would be a good tool to teach my students. This would be more fun than just making a power point to show the class.

For this lesson, I would assign groups of two or three a subject that we would be learning about in class for the unit being covered- in this case, nutrition would be the unit that we would be learning about, and students would be given sub categories of the various subject that would be covered.

In this case, the student was assigned to do their presentation on Portion Distortion. This would be a 3-5 minute presentation for the class, explaining the basics of what they learn so that all students will have some background of the subject before learning the more complex information.

To see the Prezi, click Portion Distortion. I think that this is a really fun tool that Jr. High students would be able to use easily.

The thing that I like about Prezi is that everything is saved on the website, so students can work on it at school and home without having to worry about saving it on a flashdrive. Also, I will be able to access it from my computer easily when they are giving their presentations. There is also the option to have multiple people edit the same Prezi, so the students wouldn't have to work on the same computer to finish their project- if the have to take it home for homework.

I think that this is a technology that I will definitely put into practice when I become a teacher in less than a year!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Last day of CLASS!!!

I cannot believe that I just finished my last day of classes for my fourth Fall Semester! I cannot believe how time flies. It feels just like yesterday my parents were dropping me off at Snow Hall in Logan, and here I am- participating in my last full school year! It really is so crazy!

Wish me luck with finals! I will definitely need it :)


Monday, December 6, 2010

The last real week of the semester!

Holy Smokes!

I cannot believe that this semester is just about over! I seriously has flown by so so so fast!!! I am currently still working on my final project for class. I am working on making a Prezzi presentation. I think that this will be the most beneficial for my students in health class. I feel like a lot of these really awesome things that we have learned aren't that useful to my own personal classroom. While they are really nice to know how to use, in health, I think that many of them don't apply.

Well, watch for a few more posts for this semester before we say goodbye, and enter into the week of tests, tests and more tests!!!

Good Luck Everyone!


Monday, November 29, 2010

What week are we at? I know it is close to the end!

Hi class!

I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving Break- eating way more than you should... I know that is how mine turned out :)

I am currently brainstorming for my final project- I am thinking about making a Prezzi presentation, I think that would be most beneficial program for my students of all of the ones we have learned about... but stay tuned, I will most definitely be starting on this ASAP!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 12

Hello Class!!!!

As you read this, youtube is processing our Video. Aubrey, Steve and I made a movie about Portion Distortion. For those of you who don't know what that is, basically it is how the portion sizes in America have changed over the years!

So... stay tuned! It's pretty epic.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Week 11

Holy cow this semester is flying by!!!

My story board is finished and now I just have to start filming (and finding time to make it...) I am excited about the topic I am going to teach in the film- portion distortion. If you don't know exactly just what it is, just wait, and you soon will :)


Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 10

Hello Class!!!

My syllabus is now on my website! It took a little bit to figure out how to get it onto the website. Thankfully I have an amazing 15 year old brother who is the when it comes to figuring things out on the computer, and he was able to talk me through the whole thing {aren't brothers the greatest?}

Anyway, I haven't started filming anything yet for my multimedia project. I am still trying to formulate ideas and figure out what I want to do it on. {oh and taking a bazillion midterms... will they ever end?}

That is about it! Check out the website, and come back next week for updates!
